Intelligence Type:Value Language:Love Language:Withdrawer/Pursuer:Birthdate:Gender Identity:Pronoun:Sexual Orientation: Can fly by flapping arms as if they are wings, can make ppl forget they’ve seen her, has to carefully avoid video cameras, there’s a guy who can see her even when she doesn’t …
Character Landscape
Intelligence Type:Value Language:Love Language:Withdrawer/Pursuer:Birthdate:Gender Identity:Pronoun:Sexual Orientation: The AI of the spaceship (a Falcon 7) Relationships: Romantic: Person Friends: Person Family: Person Colleagues: Person Focus Breath Internal …
Intelligence Type:Value Language:Love Language:Withdrawer/Pursuer:Birthdate:Gender Identity:Pronoun:Sexual Orientation: Alice is the bioengineer on Darcy (the Falcon 7 …
Indestructible Boy
Intelligence Type:Value Language:Love Language:Withdrawer/Pursuer:Birthdate:Gender Identity:Pronoun:Sexual Orientation: Indestructible from anything except vegetables. Relationships: Romantic: Person Friends: Person Family: Person Colleagues: Person Focus Breath Internal …
SCI Woman
Intelligence Type:Value Language:Love Language:Withdrawer/Pursuer:Birthdate:Gender Identity:Pronoun:Sexual Orientation: Relationships: Romantic: Person Friends: Person Family: Person Colleagues: Person Focus Breath Internal Motivation Meaningful …
Aiko Tanaka
Intelligence Type:Value Language:Love Language:Withdrawer/Pursuer:Birthdate:Gender Identity:Pronoun:Sexual Orientation: Relationships: Romantic: Person Friends: Person Family: Person Colleagues: Person Focus Breath Internal Motivation Meaningful …
Jiro na Oshiro
Intelligence Type:Value Language:Love Language:Withdrawer/Pursuer:Birthdate:Gender Identity:Pronoun:Sexual Orientation: Relationships: Romantic: Person Friends: Person Family: Person Colleagues: Person Focus Breath Internal Motivation Meaningful …
Rina na Kita
Intelligence Type:Value Language:Love Language:Withdrawer/Pursuer:Birthdate:Gender Identity:Pronoun:Sexual Orientation: Relationships: Romantic: Person Friends: Person Family: Person Colleagues: Person Focus Breath Internal Motivation Meaningful …
Emi na Himura
Intelligence Type:Value Language:Love Language:Withdrawer/Pursuer:Birthdate:Gender Identity:Pronoun:Sexual Orientation: Relationships: Romantic: Person Friends: Person Family: Person Colleagues: Person Focus Breath Internal Motivation Meaningful …
Hana na Fujita
Intelligence Type:Value Language:Love Language:Withdrawer/Pursuer:Birthdate:Gender Identity:Pronoun:Sexual Orientation: Relationships: Romantic: Person Friends: Person Family: Person Colleagues: Person Focus Breath Internal Motivation Meaningful …