Personality | Relationships | Physicality | History | Stories

- Intelligence Type: Logical-Computational, Kinesthetic
- Value Language: Knowledge, Power
- Love Language: Quality Time, Physical Touch
- Withdrawer/Pursuer: Pursuer
- Birthdate:
- Gender Identity: Male
- Pronoun: He/Him/His
- Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
- Kirsten Delacroix — love of his life
- The Johanssons
- Dad — partner
- Secretary — employee
- Adele Delacroix — client
- Finn Andersen — cousin
- Allison Andersen — cousin
- Mark Andersen — cousin
- Parents?
- Uncles/Aunts?
Appearance & Personal Style:
- What does he look like? Is their appearance expected or not? Why? Erik is tall, big, and strong.
- Eye Color: sky blue
- Hair Color: dirty blond with red glints in the sun
- Height: 6′ 2″
- Weight: 210 lbs
- Bone Structure: broad shoulders, muscular
- Skin Color: pale
- Hair texture: wavy
- How much effort does he put into their appearance? As little as possible, but as much as necessary.
- What kind of clothing does he wear? Why? Erik would prefer to wear jeans and flannel shirts all the time, but he knows that many of his clients — especially the big city ones — expect him to wear business professional, and he has to wear suits when he has a case that goes to court.
- Is their clothing bespoke? Off the rack? Thrift Store? Hand-me-down? Home-made? Erik wears mostly off the rack, and doesn’t get it tailored. He has three court suits that have been tailored, and one tux that’s been tailored.
- Is their clothing intended to attract or detract sexual attention? Attractiveness is irrelevant to Erik. He wears what’s comfortable and functional and appropriate for the situation.
- Could you guess their social status by their style? No. Erik looks like he’s lower middle class, but he’s got a huge amount of savings for someone his age because he doesn’t spend much.
Focus: intense focus. He’s very observant, very good at reading body language.
Breath: deep, calm.
Internal Motivation: wants to help people, because he cares.
Meaningful Movement: relaxed, deliberate.
- Small town or Big City? Farm or Factory? Castle? Mansion? Hovel? Commune? Slum?
- Where do your characters come from? What planet? What Town? Did they grow up in a city or a wilderness?
- What are the influences of their culture of origin? Do your characters agree or disagree with their culture? Why?
- How is their lifestyle shaped by the place they grew up? The places they have lived in since then?
Socio-Economic Status:
- Is your character financially stable? Can they afford to live the way that they do?
- Does your character routinely overspend? Underspend?
- Does your character have a budget? Are they a Scrooge or a miser? Do they give money away as if it grows on trees only to find they can’t pay their own bills?
- Do others believe your character has more money than they actually do? Less?
- Does your character save for emergencies? Why or why not?
- Does your character have arguments with their family, spouse, or significant other about money and what they spend it on?
- Does your character have arguments with their family, spouse, or significant other about how they earn money?
- What would your character do if they found themself in an emergency where they needed a significant amount of money in a short period of time? What would your character be willing or unwilling to do to get that money?
Erik is a Lawyer. He’s a small-town all-purpose lawyer. Marriage, divorce, inheritance, estate, small business, class action, type stuff.
- If you’re on a train and you know it’s about to crash into a person on the track but if you pull the emergency brake the train will explode, do you pull the brake? Why? What if it’s not just one person but another train with twice as many passengers?
- Is euthanasia good or bad? Under what circumstances if any might it acceptable?
- What about abortion? Under what circumstances if any is that acceptable?
- What would you kill for? Why?
- What would you steal for? Why?
- What would you whistle-blow over? Why?
- Are there any of these hypotheticals that you think you would do one way but which you discover you actually make the opposite choice when you’re confronted with the actual circumstance?
- Are there any of these hypotheticals where you would change your answer if the other person involved were evil by your definition?
- Cloaked
- Caged
- Silenced