Personality | Relationships | Physicality | History | Stories

- Intelligence Type: Kinesthetic, Visual-Spatial
- Value Language: Uniqueness, Perfection-Control
- Love Language: Acts of Service, Words of Affirmation
- Big 5: O_C^E_A^N^
- Withdrawer/Pursuer:
- Birthdate: Jan 15th 1994
- Gender Identity: Female
- Pronoun: She/Her/Hers
- Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
- Connor Lacey — fiancé
- Erik Andersen — lover
- None… or maybe her mom or her aunt helps out working in her bakery later on???
- Julien Delacroix — father
- Adele Delacroix — grandmother
- Adam Delacroix — half brother
- Caroline Delacroix — mother
- Frida Johansson — grandmother
- Peder Johansson — grandfather
- The Delacroix Family
- The Johansson Family
Father: Julien Delacroix (Works for McKinsey and is always gone, supports Kirsten financially, which is why she’s stuck taking care of her paternal grandmother.)
Mother: Caroline Delacroix (Swedish, part of a big family that gets together on a farm in the country for every holiday ever).
Siblings: half-brother Adam Delacroix who’s the same age as her. He calls her fireball and she calls him beast.
Friends: everyone loves her but she doesn’t see that, a few back in her hometown, she’s not really close to anyone
Focus: baked goods
Breath: shallow, forgets to breathe then gasps in air,
Internal Motivation: wants to be accepted, loved, for who she really is (not who everyone thinks she is)
Meaningful Movement: not physically present most of the time, so she’s a bit of a clutz, except when she’s baking.
Appearance & Personal Style:
- What does your character look like? Is their appearance expected or not? Why? Kirsten is fairly average looking. Pretty, but normal. Ordinary.
- Eye Color: Brown
- Hair Color: Brown
- Height: 5′ 5″
- Weight: 135 lbs
- Bone Structure: Average
- Skin Color: Pale
- Hair texture: Silky, straight with a slight wave
- How much effort does she put into their appearance: a lot, because Adele expects her to and now it’s a habit.
- What kind of clothing does she wear? Why? Is their clothing determined by profession? Class? Personal comfort? Social expectations? Legal decree? Kirsten wears nice clothing, because Adele expects her to, but she prefers to wear leggings and cropped-sleeve sweaters while she’s baking because it’s comfortable, she can move freely, and her chef apron/shirt thingy fits over the cropped sleeves without her having to fuss or worry that her sleeves will unroll.
- Is her clothing bespoke? Off the rack? Thrift Store? Hand-me-down? Home-made? Kirsten typically wears off the rack but pays for alterations so her clothing looks much more expensive than it really is. Her evening gowns are all bespoke, however.
- Is her clothing intended to attract or detract sexual attention? Her clothing is intended to attract sexual attention. She’s expected to find a guy to marry who will take care of her, she isn’t expected to work for a living, so her job — at least, according to Adele and Julien — so she has to attract sexual attention to find and keep her guy.
- Could you guess their social status by their style? Yes. Upper middle class, lower upper class spectrum, by Minneapolis standards.
Father got custody when she was born after her parents divorced, same happened with her half-brother Adam. They were raised by their paternal grandmother Adele in Minneapolis.
When she was sixteen, she started going to her maternal grandparents for holidays. She doesn’t really get along with her mom because her mom is too practical and Adele raised Kirsten to be a “proper lady”
Kirsten attended University of Minnesota and got a degree in food science. She completed an extra semester at Saint Paul College to get her post-graduate culinary certificate. Her secret wish is to open a bakery of her own.
Her plans to work at a bakery in Minneapolis were thwarted because her grandmother (Adele) kept her home taking care of her. She has been living with her grandmother, taking care of her and helping to maintain Adele’s philanthropic activities in the Twin Cities area since she graduated from UoM.
She receives a stipend from her father and an additional one from her grandmother, although she doesn’t need it.
Kirsten met Connor at one of her grandmother’s charity auctions/balls. He was charming and romantic. He discovered all her favorites, and courted her aggressively for three months. After they had been dating a short time, he proposed and she accepted. After their engagement, he moved in with Kirsten and Adele. Their relationship began to cool because he doesn’t want to have anything to do with helping to care for Adele. He wants to maintain his playboy lifestyle.
At the start of Cloaked, Connor and Kirsten have been living together for nearly a year. They have not set a wedding date yet.
The reason Kirsten doesn’t want to see Connor’s abusiveness is because she has made him out to be her knight in shining armor, rescuing her from her Cinderella drudgery. It is a wishful hope, an unrealistic dream that blinds her to her own feelings and desires. She cannot be free until she recognizes which fairy tale she’s in.
She thinks she is Cinderella but really she’s Little Red Riding Hood. Self-delusion, self-esteem, do not fit together, one must erode the other, one cannot survive without the absence of the other.
Kirsten is feeling conflicted: she wants her fairy tale ending to free her from her evil grandmother but feels guilty about believing her grandmother is evil and she isn’t as happy about her prince charming as she thinks.
Kirsten’s development arc is to move from a place of low self-esteem and high self-delusion to a state of confidence and self-awareness.
- Small town or Big City? Farm or Factory? Castle? Mansion? Hovel? Commune? Slum?
- Where do your characters come from? What planet? What Town? Did they grow up in a city or a wilderness?
- What are the influences of their culture of origin? Do your characters agree or disagree with their culture? Why?
- How is their lifestyle shaped by the place they grew up? The places they have lived in since then?
Socio-Economic Status:
- Is your character financially stable? Can they afford to live the way that they do?
- Does your character routinely overspend? Underspend?
- Does your character have a budget? Are they a Scrooge or a miser? Do they give money away as if it grows on trees only to find they can’t pay their own bills?
- Do others believe your character has more money than they actually do? Less?
- Does your character save for emergencies? Why or why not?
- Does your character have arguments with their family, spouse, or significant other about money and what they spend it on?
- Does your character have arguments with their family, spouse, or significant other about how they earn money?
- What would your character do if they found themself in an emergency where they needed a significant amount of money in a short period of time? What would your character be willing or unwilling to do to get that money?
Caretaker, wants to be a bakery/cafe owner & chef
- If you’re on a train and you know it’s about to crash into a person on the track but if you pull the emergency brake the train will explode, do you pull the brake? Why? What if it’s not just one person but another train with twice as many passengers?
- Is euthanasia good or bad? Under what circumstances if any might it acceptable?
- What about abortion? Under what circumstances if any is that acceptable?
- What would you kill for? Why?
- What would you steal for? Why?
- What would you whistle-blow over? Why?
- Are there any of these hypotheticals that you think you would do one way but which you discover you actually make the opposite choice when you’re confronted with the actual circumstance?
- Are there any of these hypotheticals where you would change your answer if the other person involved were evil by your definition?
- Cloaked