Alternate reality. Earth with magic. Magic’s existence has not altered the course of history because it is a tool like any other and those in power use magic like they do science and tools and weapons to achieve their goals.
Physical Landscape | Cultural Landscape | Political Landscape| Economic Landscape
Thematic Landscape | Character Landscape | Story Landscape
Physical Landscape
- Viking Kingdoms
- Dresden
- Pittsburgh
- Vampire Kingdom in Sonoran Desert
Cultural Landscape
- Cultural Worldbuilding
- Mythology
- History
- Religion
- Language
- Superstition
- Fakery
- Prejudice
- Lifestyle
- Anniversaries
- Childhood
- Maturation
- Sexuality
- Funerals
- Society
- Craftsmanship
- Musicality
- Seasonal
- Fun
Political Landscape
- Political Worldbuilding
Economic Landscape
- Econ Worldbuilding
- Economics
- Labor
- Healthcare
- Standards
- Magic
- Science
- Technology
- Goods
- Services
- Agriculture
- Weapons
- Entertainment
- Negotiation
- Taxation
Thematic Landscape
- Thematic Musings
Character Landscape
- Spaceship Elf
- Bernd Morgenstern
- Blood Dude
- Aether Dude
- Fire Dude
- Water Dude
- Earth Dude
- Charge Dude
- Air Dude
- Femme Fatale (RH woman…)
- Evil Vampire Woman
- Vampire Queen BFF
- Vampire Princess
- Vampire King
- Vampire Queen
- Heimdal
- Thor
- Freyr
- Freya
- Iduna
- Loki
- Odin
- Uni Kid
- Florian
- Don Mortimer
- Corentin Seluria
- Zella Valk
- Rainer Valk
- Nadine Valk
- Marina Valk
- Runa
- Astrid
- Andor
- Queen (Boy’s Mom)
- King (Boy’s Dad)
- Karin (Queen — Girl’s Mom)
- King (Girl’s Dad)
- Kai (Hobgoblin King)
- Eir (Beggar Girl)
Story Landscape
- Books & Series